BGR-chive 2023
2023 Black Granite Retreat
Dates: September 1-4, 2023
As always, this year’s retreat was an incredible experience that touched the lives of many. From the spirit-filled worship to the prophetic messages and powerful speakers, every moment of the retreat left a lasting impact on all who were in attendance.
We feel incredibly fortunate to be able to continue leading the retreat, and we are constantly inspired and motivated by the growth it experiences year after year. This simply wouldn’t be possible without the dedication and hard work of everyone involved, from our attendees to our volunteers.
Once again, thank you so much for making this year’s retreat a truly unforgettable event. We can’t wait to see what the future holds and hope to see you all again next year.
Free Indeed
Event Schedule
Wed. August 30- Fri. September 1
The BGR campsite and facilities will be open for attendees to set up their camp and enjoy informal fellowship around the campfires.
Friday, Sept. 1st
4:30 pm – Welcome and Prayer
5:00 pm – Chuckwagon Dinner and Potluck
5:30 pm – Worship
6:00 pm – CMA 360 Worship/Ministry/Testimony, Worship, Campfire
Saturday, Sept. 2nd
8:00 am – Men’s, Women’s and Teens Morning Prayer Circles
9:30 am – Opening Ceremony, Pastor Frank Bravo, Centerville, TX
11:00 am – Small Groups/Youth Nature Hike (group topics)
12:30 pm – Break (Chuckwagon lunch available)
1:30 pm – Small Groups/Youth Nature Hike
3:00 pm – Break, Tomahawk, Archery, Bible Illustrating
4:30 pm – Welcome and Prayer
5:00 pm – Chuckwagon Dinner and Potluck
5:30 pm – Worship
6:00 pm – Worship and Ministry led by the Youth and Young Adults groups, Worship, Campfire
Sunday, Sept. 3rd
8:00 am – Men’s, Women’s and Teens Morning Prayer Circles
9:30 am – Retreat Founder, Pastor Patrick Baumann, “Freedom in Our Ministries”. (see speaker info)
11:00 am – Small Groups/Youth Nature Hike (group topics)
12:30 pm – Break (Chuckwagon lunch available)
1:30 pm – Baptism Ceremony
3:00 pm – Break, Tomahawk, Archery, Bible Illustrating
4:30 pm – Welcome and Prayer
5:00 pm – Chuckwagon Dinner and Potluck
5:30 pm – Worship
6:00 pm – Guest Speaker Pastors Caleb Leong & Rachel Lim, “Freedom in Christ”. (See Speaker Info)
Monday, Sept. 4th
8:00 am – Men’s, Women’s and Teens Morning Prayer Circles
9:30 am – Carry On Ceremony, Life Coach Jackie Dighans, Miles City, MT
Mon. September 4- Wed. September 6
The BGR campsite and facilities will be open for attendees to set up their camp and enjoy informal fellowship around the campfires.
Small Group Topics:
"Breaking Strongholds"
Jonathan and Dori Lovette: , Discussion of deliverance and healing. Helping to equip and prepare the Body of Christ.
"Fix Our Eyes Upon the Unseen"
Justin and Jackie Dighans: , Discussing issues that face the contemporary Christian family.
"The Presence of God"
Elle Lovett: Open to those 14 – 22 years old. Three interactive sessions focusing upon freedom from sin, being filled with the Holy Spirit and using spiritual gifts.
"How Does God See Us?"
Frank and Mila Bravo: Open discussion about being free from wounds, weakness, and worry. shifting our focus from how we see ourselves, to how God sees us.
This Year's Speakers:
Patrick Baumann
While attending a Doug Stanton Ministries revival, Pat and his wife Ginger, were baptized in the Holy Spirit. At that instant, their lives, goals and priorities changed forever. Increased hunger for the Lord resulted in their attending numerous Bible classes, conferences, revivals and even a mission along the east coast of Australia. Teaching, preaching, and serving the Lord became their passion. They’ve held numerous leadership and ministerial roles in several congregations since 2008. Pat is a licensed nondenominational Pastor and has studied two years at the Vineyard Institute.
“We are honored to serve as God’s hands and His mouthpiece. Our prayer is that people see Him through us and… that we always follow His lead.”
Message: Freedom in Our Ministries
Jesus calls us to baptize nations with our ministries. How do we answer that most challenging call all around the world? By pulling together. Jesus has a special calling for each of us.

Pastors Caleb Leong & Rachel Lim
Son of a Baptist Pastor, Caleb grew up seeing the world through a fundamental biblical lens and hungered to know more of God. He went to 3 years of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, California. He interned for Steve Backlund from Igniting Hope Ministries USA.
With a new found passion to see people encounter God, Caleb founded Biastes Church. Both Caleb and Rachel love to take risks for the Lord and inspire others to take courage in their spiritual journey with God.
‘God’s ability to speak to us is always greater than our perceived inability to hear Him’
Rachel grew up in a Buddhist family and was the first in her family to be saved. She dreams to see the broken hearted children and women find freedom and to be empowered.
Message: Freedom in Christ
Our testimony shows that freedom comes after surrender to God. Breakthroughs happen when we experience His love. We experience His love by spending time with Him.

Tomahawk Throwing:
That’s right, try your hand at the ancient art of axe throwing with a tomahawk.
There are many hikes to choose from in Custer State park and the surrounding areas.
Ride bikes on the Mikelson Trail. Bike rentals available in Hill City.
Bible Journaling
Learn fun techniques to bible journaling to make your reading run and engaging.
Camp Fires
Hangout and fellowship around one of the many fire rings.
Ride bikes on the Mikelson Trail. Bike rentals available in Hill City.
A Special Thankyou to Rushmore Thunder!
Our local Christian Motorcycle Association for donating their time to serve BGR and for providing parking assistance during the retreat!
To learn more about them and there organization click above
Country Livin’
• Bring your Tent or RV and camp on site in the valley (No Fee)
• Toilets Provided
• Hot Showers available nearby
or City Style
• Many motels available in Custer (only
9 miles away!) and Hill City.
Animal Policy
Dog Policy
You are welcome to bring well mannered companions that are comfortable staying on a leash.
If your companion enjoys prolonged barking sessions, surprise visits to other camps or just running free, this retreat isn’t a good fit for them.
Horse and Livestock Policy
Grazing on our property is leased to others. Horses and livestock must remain off site.
Find Us…
Drive 3 miles north of Custer on Highway 385 then turn west on Medicine Mountain Road
After 0.7 miles, stay right on Medicine Mountain Road
After 3.0 miles, turn left on Saginaw Road
After 0.6 miles, turn right on Black Granite Road
After 1.2 miles, turn left into 11703 Black Granite Road
Register Today!
Please register for this year’s retreat:
This is a free event, but we ask that you please register so we know how many guest to prepare for.