Black Granite Retreats - 2018
In 2018, Body of Christ Ministry held two retreats. The first was in June and the second was in September, over Labor Day weekend.
The Holy Spirit, Fellowship... and YOU!
Memory Verse:
“Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.” John 16:7 NKJVJune Gathering:
The very first Black Granite Retreat! With 12 in attendance, there was great fellowship, spirit-filled conversations, and much encouragement for the new Body of Christ Ministry in South Dakota. We witnessed a few FIRSTS; Bura’s first campfire and Kathy’s first bike ride in 40 years.
September Gathering (Labor Day weekend):
This was our second retreat of 2018. What a powerful time of worship we had as Buzz and Kathy Holler lead us into His presence! The Lord created the team and worship to Him filled the valley. There were spirit-filled conversations, encouragement, and genuine fellowship as twenty-three of us gathered around the, first permanent, campfire site.

Speakers of 2018
Patrick Baumann
While attending a Doug Stanton Ministries revival, Pat and his wife Ginger, were baptized in the Holy Spirit. At that instant, their lives, goals and priorities changed forever. Increased hunger for the Lord resulted in their attending numerous Bible classes, conferences and revivals. Teaching, preaching, and serving the Lord became their passion. They’ve held numerous leadership and ministerial roles in several congregations during the past 13 years.
“We are honored to serve as God’s hands and His mouthpiece. Our prayer is that people see Him through us and… that we always follow His lead.”
Pastor Patrick Baumann, Body of Christ Ministry, Custer, South Dakota.