Black Granite Retreats 2019

In 2019, Body of Christ Ministry held three retreats.  The first was in June, the second was a youth retreat in July, and then in September, over Labor Day weekend.

The Power of YOUR Testimony

Memory Verse:

“Return to your own house, and tell what great things God has done for you. And he went his way and proclaimed throughout the whole city what great things Jesus had done for him.” Luke 8:39 NKJV

June Gathering:

Great fellowship and spirit-filled conversations. The BGR fellowship came together to help Jerry Kinner get his camper back on the bridge after he drove off the edge.  A united Body can do great things!

July Gathering:

Our FIRST youth retreat!!! Held in conjunction with the Hills Alive concert in Rapid City, this retreat was filled with the 3 Cs – camping, campfires, concerts

Labor Day Weekend:

God has enlarged our fellowship, doubling last year’s attendance. We were excited to bring our first guest speaker from Miles City, Montana. Jackie Dighans shared a powerful testimony, encouraging the body to “tell what great things God has done for you.”

Speakers of 2019

Patrick Baumann

While attending a Doug Stanton Ministries revival, Pat and his wife Ginger, were baptized in the Holy Spirit.  At that instant, their lives, goals and priorities changed forever.  Increased hunger for the Lord resulted in their attending numerous Bible classes, conferences and revivals.  Teaching, preaching, and serving the Lord became their passion.  They’ve held numerous leadership and ministerial roles in several congregations during the past 13 years.

“We are honored to serve as God’s hands and His mouthpiece. Our prayer is that people see Him through us and… that we always follow His lead.” 

Pastor Patrick Baumann, Body of Christ Ministry, Custer, South Dakota.

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Mike Erdman