Black Granite Retreat 2020

Shine Bright & Dream Big
Memory Verse:
“You are the light of the world – like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” Matthew 5:14 NLT
God is answering prayers! We were praying for a worship team and the Lord brought this team together! Not one, but two families reached out about coming to play for the retreat. We had a powerful time of worship as the Miles family (from Wyoming) and the Dighans family (from Montana) led the body into His presence. We are thankful to Living Outreach Church in Custer who allowed us to use the sound system for the retreat. It was such an amazing time of worship, fellowship, and spirit-filled conversations.

Speakers of 2020
Life Coach Jackie Dighans
Justin and Jackie Dighans have been married for 28 years and during that time, they’ve been blessed with 10 children! They also have one precious granddaughter and two blessed son-in-laws. Raising and home schooling their children has occupied much of their time. However, Justin is also a master electrician and they’ve owned various businesses for 25 years. Jackie recently finished certifications in both Biblical Studies and in Life Coaching.
“We love God and we love people. Our passion is ministering through service, music, and evangelism.” Jackie Dighans, Minister and Life Coach, Miles City, Montana

Patrick Baumann
While attending a Doug Stanton Ministries revival, Pat and his wife Ginger, were baptized in the Holy Spirit. At that instant, their lives, goals and priorities changed forever. Increased hunger for the Lord resulted in their attending numerous Bible classes, conferences and revivals. Teaching, preaching, and serving the Lord became their passion. They’ve held numerous leadership and ministerial roles in several congregations during the past 13 years.
“We are honored to serve as God’s hands and His mouthpiece. Our prayer is that people see Him through us and… that we always follow His lead.”
Pastor Patrick Baumann, Body of Christ Ministry, Custer, South Dakota.