Black Granite Retreat 2021

Peculiar People with a Purpose
Memory Verse:
“For He gave Himself for us, that He may redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people zealous for good works.” Titus 2:14 KJV
The 2021 retreat was absolutely amazing! With over 100 guests in attendance, it was by far the largest retreat we’ve had to date. God has added the local body to join the BGR worship team. Donations paid for a new sounds system, two new campfire circles, two canopies, and expanded facilities. Many hands make for light work as several servants assisted in getting the campfire circles and stage built and ready for fellowship and ministry. The Gates family painted beautiful artwork on the stage. Tsehaya Araia ministered with the shofar about combating satan and evil. It was the most Spirit-filled BGR yet! The fellowship, worship, and teaching was awe inspiring; a powerful time in His presence.
Below you will find a summary of the the retreat’s itinerary as well as details on the guest speakers and a photo gallery.
Friday, Sept. 3rd
- 8:00 am to 4:30 pm: Arrive – Camp Setup – Fellowship
- 4:30 pm: Welcome, Prayer (gather at campfire)
- 5:00 pm Potluck Dinner (please bring a side dish or desert)
- 5:30 pm: Black Granite Worship Team
- 6:00 pm: Guest Speaker, Pastor Frank Bravo, “Peculiar People with a Purpose in their Ministries”. (See speaker info)
Saturday, Sept. 4th
- 9:30 am: Opening ceremony and flag raising (gather at flagpole)
- 11:00 am to 3:00 pm (See posters at campfire for specific times) tomahawk throwing, bike ride on the Mickelson Trail, traditional archery, Bible illustrating, children and adult games
- 4:30 pm: Welcome, Prayer (gather at campfire)
- 5:00 pm: Potluck Dinner (please bring a side dish or desert)
- 5:30 pm: Black Granite Worship Team
- 6:00 pm: Guest Speaker, Pastor Jeremy Gates, “Peculiar People with a Purpose in their Families”. (See speaker info)
Sunday, Sept. 5th
- 9:30 am: Retreat Founder, Pastor Patrick Baumann, “Peculiar People with a Purpose in their Nation”. (See speaker info) (gather at campfire)
- 11:00 am to 3:00 pm: (See posters at campfire for specific times) tomahawk throwing, bike ride on the Mickelson Trail, traditional archery, Bible illustrating, children and adult games
- 4:30 pm: Welcome, Prayer (gather at campfire)
- 5:00 pm: Potluck Dinner (please bring a side dish or desert)
- 5:30 pm: Black Granite Worship Team
- 6:00 pm: Guest Speaker, Life Coach Jackie Dighans, “Peculiar People with a Purpose to Transform Their Minds”. (See speaker info)
Monday, Sept. 6th
- 9:30 am: Closing ceremony and flag lowering (gather at flagpole)
- 11:00 am to 5:00 pm: For those who wish to stay and according to demand: there will be tomahawk throwing, bike ride on the Mickelson Trail, traditional archery, Bible illustrating, children and adult games
Speakers of 2021:
Pastor Frank Bravo

Frank Bravo served in the Navy, assisting as Chaplain, while earning his AAS, BSEd and MEd degrees. After moving from the Bronx, he met the love of his life, Mila, in Texas. Over the years, the Lord has led them to many exciting ministries including Mending Fences, National Fellowship of Raceway Ministries and Cowboy Life Ministries. Recently, they also planted the Broken Arrow Cowboy Church, near Custer, SD.
“I was at a low point in my life when God took my hand and led me through doors that opened to a new walk, with immeasurable blessings – the mission field. It’s not just a ministry – it’s an adventure!”
Pastor Frank Bravo, 3W Ministry, Centerville, Texas
Sermon Preview
God has an uncommon and special plan for your life. The Bible tells teaches us about special people God chose to get His work done – and YOU are a part of His intent. Answer this: Are you a peculiar person with a purpose and a mission? Think about it…
Pastor Jeremy Gates

After obtaining Masters and Ph.D degrees, serving 30 years in numerous pastoral roles and after 10 years of being a chaplain in law enforcement, Jeremy Gates has retired. He now ministers across the United States in an RV with his wife Kristin and daughter Miranda.
He is an avid cyclist and enjoys being in the outdoors with his family.
“With the challenges that face us as a nation, and as families, I’m always overjoyed when I have opportunities to communicate God’s Word in a way that is practical and useful.”
Dr. Jeremy Gates, Clinical Christian Counselor, Mims, Florida.
Sermon Preview
After 27 years of being married and after raising and homeschooling our daughter, I’ve learned one thing: many think we’re weird! We aren’t normal. What does that mean? I look forward to exploring the answers, and much more, as we dive into Scripture and see the joys of being Peculiar People with a Purpose in our Families!
Life Coach Jackie Dighans
Justin and Jackie Dighans have been married for 28 years and during that time, they’ve be

en blessed with 10 children! They also have one precious granddaughter and two blessed son-in-laws. Raising and home schooling their children has occupied much of their time. However, Justin is also a master electrician and they’ve owned various businesses for 25 years. Jackie recently finished certifications in both Biblical Studies and in Life Coaching.
“We love God and we love people. Our passion is ministering through service, music, and evangelism.” Jackie Dighans, Minister and Life Coach, Miles City, Montana.
Sermon Preview
What if we could live in a way that the supernatural seemed more real than our natural circumstances? What if believing God’s Word, over what we see in our lives, could change everything? Romans 12:2 – “Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
Patrick Baumann
While attending a Doug Stanton Ministries revival, Pat and his wife Ginger, were baptized in the Holy Spirit. At that instant, their lives, goals and priorities changed forever. Increased hunger for the Lord resulted in their attending numerous Bible classes, conferences and revivals. Teaching, preaching, and serving the Lord became their passion. They’ve held numerous leadership and ministerial roles in several congregations during the past 13 years.
“We are honored to serve as God’s hands and His mouthpiece. Our prayer is that people see Him through us and… that we always follow His lead.”
Pastor Patrick Baumann, Body of Christ Ministry, Custer, South Dakota.

Sermon Preview
Are we a peculiar people with a purpose in America? This great country stands at a historic turning point. Will it remain one nation under God? An awakening is taking place and we are each poised at a defining moment in our lives.